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  • How do I make a booking?
    I usually book in two to three month intervals, with the books opening on the last week of every second or third month. I will send out a newsletter to my subscribers and post on social media to announce booking dates. For all booking requests please fill in the request form. The books will be open for one week or until all appointments are filled. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to accomodate everyone as there are limited spaces. If you do not include all required information in the booking request, it may not be considered. If I do not open the books for a particular period, it means my books have already been filled with ongoing work and I will reopen the books as soon as I am able. Please do not send booking requests while the books are closed.
  • I sent a booking request, what next?
    After sending your booking request please allow up to two weeks for a response, there is no need to send follow up emails. My assistant or I will respond to every request and you will receive an automated email containing any important information and answering frequently asked questions. Be sure to check your email including junk mail for a response so that you don’t miss out on an appointment.
  • Am I guaranteed an appointment?
    Priority will be given to continuing work and the pieces that are best suited to my style and interests. Bookings are based off the design idea and creative freedom, I ask that my clients trust in my skill and experience and remain flexible on the design elements, such as size. I will occasionally post available designs or flash to my social media and these will also be given priority. I tattoo custom pieces of my own design and in my style only. My work is best described as illustrative and I primarily tattoo in the blackwork etching style, however, I am happy to tattoo in colour or smooth black and grey. I particularly enjoy tattooing fantastical and mythological creatures, occult imagery, intricate botanicals and animals as well as cross-hatch portraits. As I tattoo within particular styles, I cannot accommodate every tattoo request, this is not personal. I strive to deliver the highest quality work for my clients and it is important to create work I believe in. If I feel that a design or idea is not suited to my style or focus, I am happy to refer you to another artist and I highly recommend my talented colleagues at FLT Tattoo Studio. Please be sure to look at my work and the styles I do before sending a booking request, there are many amazing artists and each of them will have their own personal style and preferences for subject matter, so there is an artist for everyone.
  • Do I need to pay a deposit?
    At FLT, a non-refundable deposit starting from $100 is required to secure all bookings. The deposit must be paid within 72 hours of the appointment confirmation otherwise the appointment may be forfeit. The deposit will remain in the system until the final appointment of the tattoo. Deposits will be used as a drawing fee for all custom pieces or come off the final price of the tattoo. There will be no drawing fee for my pre-drawn designs, but they will still require a deposit. The deposit is not refundable in the event of me being prevented, by illness or injury, from working on the day of the booking, but will be rolled over until a later appointment date.
  • What if I need to reschedule my appointment?
    At FLT we ask that our clients give us a minimum of 72 hours notice to reschedule an appointment, after this time the deposit will be forfeit. If you give enough notice we will reschedule the appointment once, and multiple reschedules will require another deposit. If you need to reschedule your appointment please email me as soon as possible so that we can organise another time and date for you. I understand that things can come up that prevent you from attending your appointment and I am happy to discuss your situation. But as this is a business, we do uphold our policies, terms and conditions in most cases.
  • What is your hourly rate?
    I charge $220 per hour and have a minimum charge of $250. I often charge a drawing fee of $50-$100 due to the time it takes for me to do the designs. The price will be determined by me upon completion of the tattoo or appointment based on the time it takes and this price is non-negotiable, however, I can give you a rough estimate before we begin. All payments are made at the end of the appointment.
  • Do you offer day rates?
    I am happy to offer day rates or half day rates for booking. Day rates are NOT a discounted rate. The benefit of day rates, is that you know in advance exactly what you are paying, and how long you will be sitting for your appointment, so there are no surprises. RATES: Half Day (3 hours) = $700 Full Day (6 hours) = $1350 TERMS & CONDITIONS In order to lock in a full or half day rate, you need to confirm via email before booking. Once booked in, our usual cancellation policy applies and you will require 72 hours notice to make an adjustment to your appointment. Day rates are a set rate, and there will be no extra fees like drawing fees. If you do not sit for the entire length of the booking, you will be required to pay the remaining allotted time at 50% of my hourly rate. If I end the appointment early, you may be charged fairly and according to an hourly rate for the work done, but not more than the set price. The appointment time may include: design, adjustments to the design, set up and/or pack down, stencilling or freehand work, photos, short breaks as required and a 30 minute lunch break for the full day appointment. If you are opting for a custom design, there may be less tattoo work completed during the appointment, depending on the time required to complete, adjust and stencil designs. If you are opting for flash designs, you are likely to get more tattooing done in the allotted time, as less time will be spent on design and stencilling. HALF DAY - 3 hour appointment - 1 to 2 small to medium designs may be done in this time, or you may get a small amount done on a larger piece FULL DAY - 6 hour appointment, including a 30 min lunch break - 1 to 4 small to medium pieces, or you may complete one medium to large piece, or get a good chunk of work done on larger scale pieces. The amount of pieces I can do in one day is also dependant on the time required to prepare designs. - Please note, that you will not be able to get large scale pieces like sleeves or back pieces completed in one session, due to the time that kind of work requires to plan, draw and tattoo. For more information, please don't hesitate to email me to
  • Do you offer payment plans or discounts?
    I do not offer payment services or plans for tattoos, however, many banks offer a pay in 4 service on their credit/debit cards (speak to your bank directly), and we have EFTPOS at FLT. I do not offer discounts or specials as I am providing a high quality service. With every tattoo there are many unseen hours of work that go into the design process such as the running of the business and years of experience and skill. Please keep in mind that a tattoo is a luxury service and that I am a professional artist who’s spent over a decade honing my craft. Tattoos are an investment in yourself, they can change how you feel about your body and it’s important to prioritise quality.
  • Can I get a quote?
    I charge by the hour, or by a set rate, you will receive my hourly rate along with other important information when you send a booking request or can find it in these FAQs. I am not able to give a quote in advance as there are many variables that will affect the time the procedure takes, such as the complexity of the design or body placement. Once we have discussed the design I can give you a rough idea of the time the tattoo could take to help you an estimated budget.
  • Do you send the design out in advance?
    I ask that my clients trust in my process and give me creative freedom with the designs. I have a very busy schedule and while I do start working on designs a week before the appointment, I do not send any designs out in advance. However, it is important that you are happy with the design, so if there are any changes needed on the day, I am happy to change the design within reason. Multiple changes or complete redraws may require a rescheduled appointment and or a drawing fee. I will not tattoo any design that I feel will not make a successful tattoo.
  • Will you tattoo my design or another tattoo?
    I am happy to use your design or reference images as inspiration, however, I only do original tattoos of my own design. I have spent many years developing my style and constantly work to improve it, by doing work of my own design and style/s I can ensure I’m doing my best work for you. I am happy to reproduce well known artworks by past fine artists in my style, if the design is translatable into tattooing. I really enjoy recreating some engravings, lithographs, surrealist and pre-Raphaelite works. For example, works by Dore, Rene Magritte, Frida Kahlo or Norman Lindsay.
  • Do you do micro tattoos?
    I do not do micro tattoos or any tattoo smaller than I feel is necessary for longevity. I do specialise in fine line tattoos and am able to do smaller pieces where the design allows, however, it is extremely important that my work is done to the highest quality possible for my clients and a successful tattoo is made to stand the test of time. I understand this style is popular but many of the micro tattoos you see online are photoshopped or temporary and in my opinion are not able to be replicated successfully even by highly skilled artists.
  • Do you do watercolour, script, minimalist or geometric tattoos?
    I focus all of my work on illustrative tattoos and in particular, blackwork tattoos inspired by etchings. I have limited appointments available and choose to spend that time on subject matter that interests and inspires me and within my own style. I am happy to do etching/stippling, smooth black and grey or colour as long as it is of my own design. I do not do watercolour, script, minimalist, messy/sketchy, geometric, mandalas or realism tattoos, but there are many amazing artists who specialise in these styles that you can get tattooed by. I do not do tattoos without black outlines. And I do not feel comfortable appropriating cultural imagery from oppressed or colonised peoples, such as First Nations people designs.
  • Do you do cover-ups?
    I prefer to avoid coverups as my blackwork designs rely on areas of open skin for a successful tattoo. When I do cover ups, they generally need to be much larger than the existing tattoo and contain a lot of black. If you would like a cover up and your existing tattoo is extremely faded or has had laser removal treatments, please feel free to email me with clear photos of the tattoo and I can assess if it’s something I will consider.
  • Do you tattoo over scars?
    I can tattoo over scars that are fully healed. The design style and details may vary depending on the condition of the scar, for example, I will not put alot of detailed lines over scars as they may spread more over time. To ensure the best results, I prefer that the scar be at least 3-5 years old. Deeper scars may require more time. This is important to give the skin a chance to regenerate and settle before being tattooed.
  • Do you tattoo darker skin?
    Absolutely, tattoos look great on everyone and having darker skin does not limit what you can get tattooed. I will adjust the amount of detail in my design, my colour palette and the tonal value to ensure the best results on any skin tone, tattoo size or the body placement of the tattoo.
  • Do you tattoo people under the age of 18?
    I will not tattoo an underage person for any reason. It is my opinion that a young person cannot fully consent and I do not feel comfortable tattooing them. To my knowledge, a tattoo studio in Australia cannot be licenced or insured to tattoo an underage person and the laws surrounding it indicate that it is illegal. I do not know of any reputable studio or artist who would be willing to tattoo an underage person.
  • Do you tattoo pregnant or breastfeeding people?
    I will not tattoo a pregnant person as I feel it places unnecessary risk on the body and foetus. When you get tattooed there is a risk of infection, allergy or other reaction and it can put the body into shock. For this reason it is best to avoid getting tattooed int he early stages of breastfeeding as well, though I am happy to after a couple of months, as long at you are aware of the risks involved. I suggest speaking with your doctor before getting in touch.
  • How do I prepare for my appointment?
    To ensure your comfort during the tattoo procedure consider wearing loose clothing, layers are especially good (keep in mind you may get ink on your clothes). If you can, get plenty of rest the night before and eat a healthy well balanced meal before your appointment. A well hydrated body tends to handle trauma better, so it’s a good idea to drink plenty of water in the lead up to your appointment and on the day. Healthy snacks like muesli bars and bananas are great for blood sugar levels during the tattoo. You’re welcome to bring headphones to listen to your own music if it helps you relax.
  • Can anyone get tattooed at FLT?
    We welcome all people to get tattooed at FLT. Exceptions include underage and pregnant people and people who are under the influence, under duress or unable to give consent. Please keep in mind that at FLT we strive towards creating a safe and inclusive feminist space. Our artists are required to treat everyone with respect and kindness and we expect the same from our clients and visitors to the studio. We do not tolerate any inappropriate behaviour in the studio and we do NOT tolerate sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism at any time.
  • Can I bring someone to accompany me to my appointment?
    Please come to your appointment alone and do not bring children into the studio. To ensure the optimum environment for clients and artists alike we cannot accomodate any companions at FLT. This also allows me to focus my full energy on my client and avoid any distractions. I understand that it can be nerve wracking coming to a tattoo studio alone, but at FLT we do our best to offer a safe and comfortable space for our clients. I will absolutely make an exception if you need an aide, interpreter, carer or similar to accompany you to your appointment, to help ensure an accessible and comfortable experience. Please let me know via email, prior to your appointment. Thank you.
  • Do you do guest spots and flash days?
    I love to travel and try to do guest spots, conventions and flash days in Australia and Internationally wherever possible (COVID permitting). If I have upcoming travel plans I will post the details on my social media. I don’t do conventions in Australia at this time, though I do attend conventions in New Zealand. It is unlikely that I‘ll do guest spots in Sydney or the Central Coast at this time as these areas are in close traveling distance to my own studio and I prefer to work there.
  • What are your terms and conditions?
    For our full terms and conditions at FLT Tattoo Studio, please click the link below: TERMS & CONDITIONS

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